ComicPad Rejected by Apple
I got a very frustrating email from iPhone Developer Program today. In short:
We’ve reviewed ComicPad and determined that we cannot post this version of your iPad application to the App Store because it is inappropriately using iPad in the application name.
This really sucks for several reasons:
- I do not use “iPad” in the name. So it is not violating any Apple trademarks.
- I’ve already had v1.0 of the app approved with the name ComicPad, and have based all my web site and marketing materials around ComicPad
- There are bunch of other apps on the store that had P-A-D in the name and continue to be approved.
I guess I am not the only one. I tried reasoning with them, but to know avail. It is Apple’s store, so they are free to make the rules, even if they are not consistent or logical. Guess I will give up developing my PADdle Boat app.